It’s out!
The Science Advances paper on plasmonic drawbridges is out! Emilie and Dayne collaborated with several plasmonic groups at Rice in this study led by the Landes lab!
Another high impact publication for the group! Congrats Dayne!
(A) Nanoparticle shells were reversibly switched between Ag and AgCl using redox electrochemistry. The optical response to redox tuning was measured using single-particle spectroscopy under electrochemical potential control. (B) HAADF-STEM and EDS elemental maps of a single Au/Ag nanoparticle show clear core-shell geometry. (C) Mean response over five cycles of changes in resonance energy (ΔE), full width at half maximum (ΔΓ), and intensity (ΔI) as a function of applied potential under different electrolyte conditions. (Inset) Small-intensity response for control and thin-shell cases. Shaded bounds indicate standard error. au, arbitrary units.