J. R. Daniel, L. A. McCarthy, S. Yazdi, M. Chagnot, E. Ringe,* D. Boudreau* “Gold Speciation and Co-Reduction Control the Morphology of AgAu Nanoshells in Formaldehyde-Assisted Galvanic Replacement” J. Phys. Chem. C (2018) 122, 18168-18176
J. P. Mehta, B. R. Knappett, G. Divitini, E. Ringe, P. A. Midgley, D. Fairen-Jimenez, A. E. H. Wheatley “Advances in the Synthesis and Long‐Term Protection of Zero‐Valent Iron Nanoparticles” Part. Part. Sys. Charact. (2018) 35, 1800120
L. Prochaska, X. Li, D. C. MacFarland, A. M. Andrews, M. Bonta, E. F. Bianco, S. Yazdi, W. Schrenk, H. Detz, A. Limbeck, Q. Si, E. Ringe, G. Strasser, J. Kono, S. Paschen,* “Singular Charge Fluctuations at a Magnetic Quantum Critical Point” arXiv 1808.02296
A. Kumar, E. Villarreal, X. Zhang, E. Ringe,* “Micro-Extinction Spectroscopy (MExS): A versatile Optical Characterization Technique” Adv. Struct. Chem. Imag. (2018) 4, 8
J. S. Biggins, S. Yazdi, E. Ringe,* “Magnesium Nanoparticle Plasmonics” Nano Lett. (2018) 18, 3752-3758.
C. de los Reyes, Carlos; K. Walz-Mitra, A. Smith, S. Yazdi, A. Loredo, F. Frankovsky, E. Ringe, M. Pasquali, A. Marti,* “Chemical Decoration of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Using the Billups-Birch Reaction: Toward Enhanced Thermostable Reinforced Polymer and Ceramic Nanocomposites” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. (2018) 1, 2421-2429
A. Kumar, L. A. McCarthy, S. M. Rehn, D. F. Swearer, R. Newell, S. Gereta, E. Villarreal, S. Yazdi, E. Ringe,* “Exploring Scientific Ideas in Informal Settings: Activities for Individuals with Visual Impairments” J. Chem. Ed. (2018) 95, 593-597
C. Zhang, S. Yang, J. Wu, M. Liu, S. Yazdi, M. Ren, J. Sha, J. Zhong, K. Nie, A. S. Jalilov, Z. Li, H. Li, B. I. Yakobson, Q. Wu, E. Ringe, H. Xu, P. M. Ajayan, J. M. Tour,* “Electrochemical CO2 Reduction with Atomic Iron-Dispersed on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene” Adv. Energy Mater. (2018), 1703487
Y. Huang, X. Zhang, E. Ringe, L. Ma, X. Zhai, L.-L. Wang, Z. Zhang, “Detailed correlations between SERS enhancement and plasmon resonances in subwavelength closely spaced Au nanorod arrays”, Nanoscale (2018) 10, 4267-4275
S. M. Rehn, E. Ringe,* “Controllably Hollow AgAu Nanoparticles via Nonaqueous, Reduction Agent‐Assisted Galvanic Replacement” Part. Part. Syst. Char. (2018), 35, 1700381
Y. Zhang, P. Yang, M. A. H. Muhammed, S. K. Alsaiari, B. Moosa, A. Almalik, A. Kumar, E. Ringe, and N. M. Khashab
Tunable and Linker Free Nanogaps in Core–Shell Plasmonic Nanorods for Selective and Quantitative Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells by SERS
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (43), pp 37597–37605
K. W. Smith, J. Yang, T. M. Hernandez, D. F. Swearer, L. Scarabelli, H. Zhang, H. Zhao, N. A. Moringo, W. Chang, L. M. Liz-Marzán, E. Ringe, P. Nordlander, and S. Link
Environmental Symmetry Breaking Promotes Plasmon Mode Splitting in Gold Nanotriangles
J Phys Chem C, 2017
D. F. Swearer, R. K. Leary, R. Newell, S. Yazdi, H. Robatjazi, Y. Zhang, D. Renard, P. Nordlander, P. A. Midgley, N. J. Halas, and E. Ringe
Transition-Metal Decorated Aluminum Nanocrystals
ACS Nano, 2017
C. Zhang, J. Sha, H. Fei, M. Liu, S. Yazdi, J. Zhang, Q. Zhong, X. Zou, Naiqin Zhao, Haisheng Yu, Z. Jiang, E. Ringe, B. I. Yakobson, J. Dong, D. Chen, and J. M. Tour
Single-Atomic Ruthenium Catalytic Sites on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Acidic Medium
ACS Nano, 2017, 11 (7), pp 6930–6941
A. Agrawal , A. Singh, S. Yazdi, A. Singh, G. K. Ong, K. Bustillo, R. W. Johns, E. Ringe, and D. J. Milliron
Resonant Coupling between Molecular Vibrations and Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Faceted Metal Oxide Nanocrystals
Nano Lett., 2017, 17 (4), pp 2611–2620
A. S. De Silva Indrasekara, B. Shuang, F. Hollenhorst, B. S. Hoener, A. Hoggard, S. Chen, E. Villarreal, Y. Cai, L. Kisley, P. J. Derry, W. Chang, E. R. Zubarev, E. Ringe, S. Link, and C. F. Landes
Optimization of Spectral and Spatial Conditions to Improve Super-Resolution Imaging of Plasmonic Nanoparticles
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 299-306 (2017)
A. S. Stender, R. Newell, E. Villarreal, D. F. Swearer, E. Bianco, and E. Ringe
Communicating Science Concepts to Individuals with Visual Impairments Using Short Learning Modules
J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93 (12), pp 2052–2057
S. Yazdi, J. R. Daniel, N. Large, G. C. Schatz, D. Boudreau, and E. Ringe
Reversible Shape and Plasmon Tuning in Hollow AgAu Nanorods
Nano Lett. 16, 6939–6945 (2016)
I. R. Bruzas, S. A. Unser, S. Yazdi, E. Ringe, and L. B. Sagle
An Ultrasensitive Plasmonic Platform For The Label-Free Detection Of Membrane-Associated Species
Anal. Chem., 88 (16), 7968–7974 (2016)
D. F. Swearer, H. Zhao, L. Zhou, C. Zhang, H. Robatjazi, J. M. P. Martirez, C. M. Krauter, S. Yazdi, M. J. McClain, E. Ringe, E. A. Carter, P. Nordlander, and N. J. Halas
Heterometallic Antenna−Reactor Complexes for Photocatalysis
PNAS vol, 113, no. 32, 8916-8920 (2016)
R. K. Leary, A. Kumar, P. J. Straney, S. M. Collins, S. Yazdi, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, P. A. Midgley, J. E. Millstone, and E. Ringe
Structural and Optical Properties of Discrete Dendritic Pt Nanoparticles on Colloidal Au Nanoprisms
J. Phys. Chem. C, 120 (37), 20843–20851 (2016)
Y. Huang, X. Zhang, E. Ringe, M. Hou, L. Ma & Z. Zhang
Tunable Lattice Coupling of Multipole Plasmon Modes and Near-Field Enhancement in Closely erpaced Gold Nanorod Arrays
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 23159 (2016)
P. Dong, A. C. Chipara, P. Loya, Y. Yang, L. Ge†, S. Lei, Bo Li, G. Brunetto, L. D. Machado, L. Hong, Q. Wang, B. Yang, H. Guo, E. Ringe, D. S. Galvao, R. Vajtai, M. Chipara, M. Tang, J. Lou, and P. M. Ajayan
Solid–Liquid Self-Adaptive Polymeric Composite
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 2142−2147 (2016)
E. Ringe, C. J. DeSantis, S. M. Collins, M. Duchamp, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, S. E. Skrabalak & P. A. Midgley
Resonances of nanoparticles with poor plasmonic metal tips
Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 17431 (2015)
C. P. Byers, H. Zhang, D. F. Swearer, M. Yorulmaz, B. S. Hoener, D. Huang, A. Hoggard, W. Chang, P. Mulvaney, E. Ringe, N. J. Halas, P. Nordlander, S. Link, C. F. Landes
From tunable core-shell nanoparticles to plasmonic drawbridges: Active control of nanoparticle optical properties
Sci. Adv. 1, 1-10 (2015)
G. R. Bhimanapati, Z. Lin, V. Meunier, Y. Jung, J. J. Cha, S. Das, D. Xiao, Y. Son, M. S. Strano, V. R. Cooper, L. Liang, S. G. Louie, E. Ringe, W. Zhou, B. G. Sumpter, H. Terrones, F. Xia, Y. Wang, J. Zhu, D. Akinwande, N. Alem, J. A Schuller, R. E. Schaak, M. Terrones, J. A. Robinson
Recent Advances in Two-Dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene
ACS Nano (2015), 9 (12), 11509-11539.
Y. Huang, E. Ringe, M. Hou, L. Ma, Z. Zhang
Near-field Mapping of Three-Dimensional Surface Charge Poles for Hybridized Plasmon Modes
AIP Advances 5, 107221 (2015)
S. M. Collins, E. Ringe, M. Duchamp, Z. Saghi, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, P. A. Midgley
Eigenmode Tomography of Surface Charge Oscillations of Plasmonic Nanoparticles by Electron Loss Spectroscopy
ACS Photonics, 2 (11), 1628-1635 (2015)
L. Peng, E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, L. D. Marks
Segregation in Bimetallic Nanoparticles
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 27940-27951 (2015)
M. J. McClain, A. E. Schlather, E. Ringe, N. S. King, L. Liu, A. Manjavacas, M. W. Knight, I. Kumar, K. H. Whitmire, H. O. Everitt, P. Nordlander, and N. J. Halas
Aluminum Nanocrystals
Nano Lett., 15, 2751–2755 (2015)
E. Ringe, C. J. DeSantis, S. M. Collins, S. E. Skrabalak, and P. A. Midgley
Plasmon and Compositional Mapping of Au/Pd Nanostructures
Proc. SPIE, 9278, Plasmonics, 92180J (2014)
E. Ringe
Nanocrystalline Materials: Recent Advances in Crystallographic Characterization Techniques
IUCrJ, Invited Feature Article 1, 530-539 (2014)
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne and L. D. Marks
Correlated Structure-Optical Properties Studies of Plasmonic Nanoparticles
J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 522, 012006 (2014)
X. Wang, Y. Gong, G. Shi, W. L. Chow, K. Keyshar, G. Ye, R. Vajtai, J. Lou, Z. Lui, E. Ringe, B. K. Tay, P. M. Ajayan
Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Crystalline Monolayer MoSe2
ACS Nano, 8, 5125-5131 (2014)
Y. J. Shin, E. Ringe, M. L. Personick, M. F. Cardinal,
C. A. Mirkin, L. D. Marks, R. P. Van Duyne, and M. C. Hersam
Centrifugal Shape Sorting and Optical Response of Polyhedral Gold Nanoparticles
Adv. Mater. 25, 4023-4027 (2013)
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Kinetic and Thermodynamic Modified Wulff Constructions for Twinned Nanoparticles
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 15859-15870 (2013)
Cover & Feature Article
B. R. Knappett, E. Ringe, P. Abdulkin, D. A. Jefferson, S. Lozano-Perez, C. Rojas-Ruiz, A. Fernández, and
A. E. H. Wheatley
Characterization of Co@Fe3O4 core@shell nanoparticles using advanced electron microscopy
Nanoscale, 5, 5765-5772 (2013)
Back Cover
E. Ringe, A.-I. Henry, B. Sharma, L. D. Marks, and
R. P. Van Duyne
Single Nanoparticle Plasmonics
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 4110-4129 (2013)
Cover & Top 10 Most Accessed Article, March 2013
A. Mesbah, E. Ringe, S. Lebègue, R. P. Van Duyne, and J. A. Ibers
Ba2An(S2)2S2 (An = U, Th): Syntheses, Structure, Optical and Electronic Properties
Inorg. Chem. 51, 13390-13395 (2012)
E. Ringe, J. Zhang, M. R. Langille, C. A. Mirkin, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Correlating the Structure and Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Single Silver Right Bipyramids
Nanotechnology 13, 444005 (2012)
E. Ringe, A. Grubisic, C. Cobley, Y. Xia, L. D. Marks, R. P. Van Duyne, and D. J. Nesbitt
Plasmon Near-Electric Field Enhancement Effects in Ultrafast Photoelectron Emission: Correlated Spatial and Laser Polarization Microscopy in Individual Ag Nanocubes
Nano Lett. 12, 4823-4829 (2012)
L. Koscielski, E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, D. E. Ellis, and J. A. Ibers
Single-Crystal Structures, Optical Absorption, and Electronic Distributions of Thorium Oxychalcogenides ThOQ (Q = S, Se, Te)
Inorg. Chem. 51, 8112-8118 (2012)
E. Ringe, M. R. Langille, K. N. Sohn, J. Huang, C. A. Mirkin, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Plasmon Length: A Universal Parameter to Describe Size Effects in Gold Nanoparticles
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 1479-1483 (2012)
B. Sharma, R. R. Frontiera, Al Henry, E. Ringe, and R. P. Van Duyne
SERS: Materials, Applications, and the Future
Mater. Today 15, 16-25 (2012)
G. Oh, E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and J. A. Ibers
Synthesis, Structure, and Optical Properties of CsU2(PO4)3
J. Solid State Chem. 185, 124-129 (2012)
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Wulff Construction for Alloy Nanoparticles
Nano Lett. 11, 3399-3403 (2011)
Science Editor’s Choice, Aug. 5 2011
A.-I. Henry, J. M. Bingham, E. Ringe, L. D. Marks, G. C. Schatz, and R. P. Van Duyne
Correlated Structure and Optical Property Studies of Plasmonic Nanoparticles
J. Phys Chem. C 115, 9291-9305 (2011)
S. L. Kleinman, E. Ringe, N. Valley, K. L. Wustholz, E. Phillips, K. A. Scheidt, G. C. Schatz, and R. P. Van Duyne
Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Crystal Violet Isotopologues: Theory and Experiment
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 4115-4122 (2011)
D. M. Wells, E. Ringe, D. Kaczorowski, G. Andre, D. E. Ellis, and J. A. Ibers
Structure, Properties, and Theoretical Electronic Structure of UCuOP and NpCuOP
Inorg. Chem., 50, 576-589 (2011)
E. Ringe, J. M. McMahon, K. N. Sohn, C. Cobley, Y. Xia, J. Huang, G. C. Schatz, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Unraveling the Effects of Size, Composition, and Substrate on the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Frequency of Gold and Silver Nanocubes: A Systematic Single Particle Approach
J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 12511-12516 (2010)
G. B. Jin, E. Ringe, G. J. Long, F. Grandjean, M. T. Sougrati, E. S. Choi, D. M. Wells, M. Balasubramanian, and J. A. Ibers
Structural, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties of UFeS3 and UFeSe3
Inorg. Chem. 49, 10455-10467 (2010)
E. Ringe, J. Zhang, M. R. Langille, K. N. Sohn, C. Cobley, L. Au, Y. Xia, C. A. Mirkin, J. Huang, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Effect of Size, Shape, Composition, and Support Film on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Frequency: A Single Particle Approach Applied to Silver Bipyramids and Gold Nanocubes
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1208-O10-02 (2010)
P. Li, C. L. Stender, E. Ringe, L. D. Marks, and T. W. Odom
Synthesis of TaS2 Nanotubes from Ta2O5 Nanotube Templates
Small 6, 1096-1099 (2010)
E. Ringe and J. A. Ibers
Partial Cu Occupancy in Uranium Copper Diantimonide, UCu0.60(4)Sb2
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C Cryst. Struct. Comm. 64, i76-i78 (2008)
Conferences and Scientific Talks
Advances in Structural & Chemical Imaging (ASCI) Workshop, University of Oregon, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Active Control of Near-Field Distribution in Plasmonic Nanorods
Quantitative Electron Microscopy, Balaruc, France
Poster Presentation
D. Swearer
The Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Transition Metal Decorated Aluminum Nanocrystals
Graphene and Beyond Symposium, State College, Pennsylvania, USA
Poster Presentation
E. Villarreal
Optical Characterization of 2D Semiconductors Using Micro-Extinction Spectroscopy
Graphene and Beyond Symposium, State College, Pennsylvania, USA
Poster Presentation
E. Bianco
Atomically-Thin Tellurium Films and In Situ TEM Studies of Defects in 2D Materials
Department of Chemistry, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Combining Plasmonic and Catalytic Metals for Functional Nanomaterials
Materials Science and Engineering Dept, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Active Control of Near-Field Distribution in Plasmonic Nanorods
MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Bianco
Toward Tellurene: A Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator
Pittcon Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
High Resolution Studies of Shape-Dependent Plasmonic Near-Field in Metal Nanoparticles
SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
D. Swearer
UAluminum Nanocrystals Decorated with Transition Metal Nanoislands as Antenna-Reactor Nanoparticles for Photocatalysis
Electron Microscopy Center User Meeting and Workshop, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Poster Presentation
E. Villarreal
Gold Decahedra as Localized Plasmonic Transducers: A Sensitivity-Structure Correlation
Electron Microscopy Center
User Meeting, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Bianco
Pulsed Laser Deposition of Ultra-Thin Tellurium Films
Functional Materials Division-Materials and Manufacturing Directorate,
Air Force Research Laboratories, WPAFB, Ohio, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Bianco
Two-Dimensional Materials from Unconventional Crystals
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge University, UK
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Multimetallic Functional Nanomaterials: From Reconfigurable Plasmonics to Catalysts
Department of Chemistry, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Combining Plasmonic and Catalytic Metals for Functional Nanomaterials
SciX Conference, Minnesota, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Stender
Monitoring the catalyzed reduction of nitrite with fluorescence techniques
SciX Conference, Minnesota, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Stender
Monitoring the catalyzed reduction of nitrite with fluorescence techniques
SciX Conference, Minnesota, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Active Control of Near-Field Distribution in Plasmonic Nanorods
Gordon Research conference – Noble metal Nanoparticles, Massachusetts, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Bimetallic Nanoparticles for Catalysis and Plasmonics
Gordon Research conference – Noble metal Nanoparticles, Massachusetts, USA
Poster Presentation
D. Swearer
Heterometallic Antenna-Reactor Nanostructures for Photocatalysis
Texas Society for Microscopy, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe
Joining plasmonics and catalytic mateirals in a single nanostructure
Texas Society for Microscopy, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
S. Yazdi
Tuynig and mapping surface plasmon in Au-Ag bimetallic hollow nano rods with electron beam
Texas Society for Microscopy, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
A. Kumar
Electrochemical Modification of Nanoparticle Surfaces
Texas Society for Microscopy, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Villarreal
Single Gold Nanoparticles as Plasmonic Transducers
Texas Society for Microscopy, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
D. F. Swearer
Pd decorated Al nanocrystals: Electron tomography, Energy‐loss spectroscopy and energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy
Texas Society for Microscopy, Houston, Texas, USA
Oral Presentation
A. Stender
Approaches for detecting amines with fluorescence microscopy
Electron Microscopy Center Grand Opening Conference and Workshop, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Poster Presentation
E. Villarreal
LSPR Based Biosensor for DNA Hybridization Detection
SciX, Providence, Rode Island, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Stender
Turn-on fluorescence as a strategy for monitoring the catalyzed reduction of nitride by Pd-on-Au nanoparticles
Rice University, Smalley-Curl Summer REU program seminar series, Houston, Texas, USA
A. Stender
The use of analytical chemistry in forensic science
Electron Microscopy Center Grand Opening Conference and Workshop, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Stender
Turn-On Fluorescence as a Strategy for Monitoring the Catalyzed Reduction of Nitrite by Pd-on-Au Nanoparticles
Electron Microscopy Center Grand Opening Conference and Workshop, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Kumar
Controlled Electrodeposition of Cu on Faceted Au Nanoparticles
Molecular Fondry User Meeting, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, California, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Kumar
Controlled Electrodeposition of Cu on Faceted Au Nanoparticles
1st Annual SCI Summer Research Colloquium, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Kumar
Controlled Electrodeposition of Cu on Faceted Au Nanoparticles
1st Annual SCI Summer Research Colloquium, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Poster Presentation
D. F. Swearer
Transition Metal Decorated Aluminum Nanocrystals for Photocatalysis
1st Annual SCI Summer Research Colloquium, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Poster Presentation
E. Bianco
Toward Selenene: A Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator
Japanese Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy of Metallic Nanoparticles
Fundamental Forum of the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy of Metallic Nanoparticles
Tsinghua University, China
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy of Metallic Nanoparticles
Shandong University, China
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy of Plasmonic Particles
2DLM Workshop, Penn State University, PA, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
High Spatial and Energy Resolution Studies of 2D Materials
American Chemical Society Spring Meeting, Denver, CO, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Plasmonic Alloys
Texas Society for Microscopy Annual Meeting, Austin, TX
Oral Presentation/Talk
A. Stender
The Re-Emergence of Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy to Materials Science Applications
Texas Society for Microscopy annual Meeting, Austin, TX
Contributed Talk
E. Ringe
Electron Microscopy Studies of Plasmonic Nanoparticles
TEDx Event, Rice University, TX, USA
E. Ringe
Understanding the World one Atom at a Time
SPIE Student Chapter, Rice University, TX, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy for Nanoplasmonics
Light-Driven Processes for Bio-Inspired Materials Workshop, Rice University, TX, USA
Poster Presentation
A. Stender
Optical Imaging Strategies in Complex Environments Using Rod-Like Plasmonic Nanoparticles
Department of MSE, MIT, MA, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy for Plasmonics
Light-Driven Processes for Bio-Inspired Materials Workshop, Rice University, TX, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy for Plasmonics
University of Texas San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy for Plasmonics
University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy for Catalysis and Plasmonics
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Optical and Electron Spectroscopy for Plasmonics
SPIE Photonics Asia, Beijing, China
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe, S. M. Collins, C. J. DeSantis, S. E. Skrabalak, P. A. Midgley
Plasmon and Compositional Mapping of Plasmonic Nanostructures
SciX conference, Reno, NV, USA
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Nanoplasmonics, One Particle at a Time
Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK
Invited Presentation
E. Ringe
Nanoplasmonics, One Particle at a Time
Electron Beam Spectroscopy for Nanophotonics Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Poster Presentation
E. Ringe, C. J. DeSantis, S. M. Collins, S. E. Skrabalak, P. A. Midgley
Plasmon and Compositional Mapping of Au/Pd Nanoparticles
NanosMat USA Conference, Houston, TX, USA
Oral Presentations
E. Ringe
Nanoplasmonics, One Particle at a Time, and Wulff Constructions for Plasmonic Nanoparticles
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Invited Scientific Talk
E. Ringe
Single Particle Analysis in Plasmonics
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Invited Scientific Talk
E. Ringe
Single Particle Analysis in Plasmonics
Chinese University of Honk Kong, Hong Kong, China
Suzhou Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, China
Peking University, Beijing, China
Invited Scientific Talk
E. Ringe
Single Particle Analysis in Plasmonics and Catalysis
Centre d’Optique, Photonique et Laser, Université Laval, Quebec City, Qc, Canada
Invited Scientific Talk
E. Ringe
Single Particle Analysis in Plasmonics and Catalysis
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Excellence in Graduate Research 2012 Recipient Seminar
E. Ringe
Towards Understanding Shape and Plasmonics in Metal Nanoparticles
Enhanced Data Generated by Electrons (EDGE) Workshop, Sainte Maxime, France
Conference Poster Presentation
E. Ringe, B. R. Knappett, A. E. H. Wheatley, and P. A. Midgley
Microanalysis of Co@Fe3O4 Core-Shell Nanoparticles
Gordon Research Conference on Noble Metal Particles, South Hadley, MA, USA
Conference Poster Presentation
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Analytical Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling of Particle Shape
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA
Invited Scientific Talk
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Nanoplasmonics: Harnessing Light at the 100 nm Level
International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Paris, France
Invited Oral Presentation
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Size, Shape, and Composition Effects on Plasmonic Properties of Nanoparticles
Nanoplasmonics Sensors and Spectroscopy Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe, M. A. Langille, J. Zhang, C. A. Mirkin, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Single Particle Correlated LSPR/HRTEM Studies: Making Leaps Towards Fundamental Understanding of Structure-Function Relationships in Plasmonic Nanoparticles
Imperial College London, London, UK
Scientific Talk
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Nanoparticle Shape: Effects and Modeling
Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
Scientific Talk
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Nanoparticle Shape: Effects and Modeling
International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, South Korea
Poster Presentation
E. Ringe, M. A. Langille, J. Zhang, C. Cobley, Y. Xia, C. A. Mirkin, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Nanoplasmonics, One Particle at a Time
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Scientific Talk
E. Ringe, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Nanoplasmonics: One Particle at a Time
Gordon Research Conference on Noble Metal Particles, South Hadley, MA, USA
Poster Presentation
E. Ringe, J. M. McMahon, K. N. Sohn, C. Cobley, Y. Xia, J. Huang, G. C. Schatz, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Unraveling the Effects of Size, Composition, and Substrate on the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Frequency of Gold and Silver Nanocubes: A Systematic Single Particle Approach
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA
Oral Presentation
E. Ringe, J. Zhang, M. R. Langille, K. N. Sohn, C. Cobley, L. Au, Y. Xia, C. A. Mirkin, J.Huang, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Effect of Size, Shape, Composition, and Support Film on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Frequency: A Single Particle Approach Applied to Silver Bipyramids and Gold Nanocubes
Undergraduate research symposium, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Poster Presentation
E. Ringe, D. M. Wells, and J. A. Ibers
Structure Determination and Characterization of UCuOP, UCu0.6Sb2, and UFeSe3
Outreach Talks
Olive Harvey College, Chicago, IL, USA
Community College Talk
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Fundamental and Applications of Plasmonic Particles
New York University, New York, NY, USA
Undergraduate Talk
E. Ringe, R. P. Van Duyne, and L. D. Marks
Nanotechnology Research at Northwestern University
Oakton Community College STEM Mentoring Program, Des Plaines, IL, USA
Community College Talk
E. Ringe, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Nanoparticles: Applications and Current Research
Evanston Township High School, Evanston, IL, USA
High School Talk
E. Ringe, L. D. Marks, and R. P. Van Duyne
Nanoparticles: Applications and Current Research